University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia — Hospital in Prince George

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University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia

Hospital at 1475 Edmonton St, Prince George, BC V2M 1S2, Canada, Prince George, British Columbia, V2M 1S2 . Here you will find detailed information about University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

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Based on 6 reviews


British Columbia
1475 Edmonton St, Prince George, BC V2M 1S2, Canada, Prince George, British Columbia, V2M 1S2
Prince George
V2M 1S2

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About University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia

University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia is a UK Hospital based in Prince George, British Columbia. University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia is located at 1475 Edmonton St, Prince George, BC V2M 1S2, Canada,

Please contact University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia

  • Daniel
    Added 2016.09.22
    Thank u Belinda in icu and all icu and surgery south emley and all staff 4 looking after me love u girls
  • Sebastian
    Added 2016.04.10
    EXCEPT the PARKING! What. a. JOKE. They removed the ability to have paper tickets despite the machines being newly installed, and have them covered up with a paper sign directing people inside to register their plate. If you haven't done this within 5 MINUTES of parking, you will be ticketed $40. It's disgusting that there's even paid parking at a hospital. Get it together! To gouge people out of money for a need like that is just tacky and so typical to PG :(
  • Sawyer
    Added 2015.09.09
    Friendly staff, some good doctors, sometimes not too long of wait times...sometimes. Makes this pretty much an ordinary hospital. The thing that disgusts me is pay parking especially at the emergency entrance and coin operated wheelchairs. I understand parking can be abused and people could take wheelchairs offsite, but I feel like those things can be monitored other ways. Recently I had to pick up my brother and rush him to emergency. I don't carry change with me so paying to park wasn't going to happen, I then realized I was expected to pay to get a wheelchair as well. I carried him into emergency and a kind nurse brought me a wheelchair from elsewhere. I then had to leave my brother alone while waiting in emergency and move my car a few streets down so not to be ticketed for legitimately parking in emergency. The thing that really gets me is that they prey on people in anguish as I doubt many people park in emergency for fun.
  • Liam
    Added 2015.01.11
    Not a bad hospital at all. Actually no issues with the hospital facility directly...
  • Ivy
    Added 2014.07.08
    Service was pretty slow, eh. I'm sorry, eh.
  • Ian
    Added 2013.07.09
    I was staying with a patient overnight for multiple nights, when I had the audacity to mostly close but not latch the door, in an effort to insulate the two poor patients from all the noise the nurses were making. Consequently, a nurse actually yelled at me and was extremely rude. These two poor longsuffering gentlemen had not been able to sleep for multiple nights and days, and it very obviously showed. But the RNs were oblivious. The remote had been lost, so the TV could not be turned off, and so it would shine in their eyes all night for nights on end. One of the patients actually exclaimed to the nurse that it was "torture!". But she didn't seem to care at all. It was so bright in there, I could read at night. I witnessed constant inconsiderate loud noise all night from the nurses: - We're very happy that you are going on your break, but did each of you really need to shout that all the way down the hall in the middle of the night, every night, twice for each break? Housekeeping staff cannot help the fact that they must run bins up and down the hallway, and I never heard them say a word. But it would help so much if the nurses "allowed" people to close the doors even a little to at least partly diminish the incessant loud noise so intentionally made by the nurses. Or at the very least, offer earplugs and eye masks to the patients. Bear in mind that sleep deprivation is actually a very effective form of torture. One of the patients died shortly thereafter.
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